Anais Atlantis is a woman, I met at Flashbacks Club Lounge. I used to go there to earn money camping dancing. I will always remember when I first saw
Anais appear there. She isn't just another beautiful avatar. everything about her is beautiful and classy. The way she moves, the manor with which she chats. I know I had an instant crush on her. I think everyone in the lounge was smitten with her. I wanted to spend time to get to know her.
Anais was kind enough to accept my offered friendship
I was so impressed with her, I wanted to learn everything I could from her. I new I was done with camping dancing, I was going to be a professional erotic dancer and an escort. I sent an instant message to
Anais to ask for advice but I was such a newbie I only embarrassed myself. I felt so foolish that I never tried to talk to her again until I had become a successful as a dancer and escort.
I didn't actually run across
Anais again until I posted an escort ad at Foxy Escorts. I was so focused on posting my ad up on the wall, that I didn't even notice
Anais's ad until I backed away from the wall. It was next to mine four times the size of mine. Her picture was as beautiful as ever. When I read her info card and found that she was still as wonderful as I remembered her.
I finally contacted
Anais to ask her permission to include a picture of her in this blog. She has been a very positive influence, as I grew my career in
SL. I would think about the integrity, class and sophistication that
Anais carried with her. I remembered the kindness she showed me and passed it on to every newbie that crossed my path and asked for help. I hope as time passes we may yet develop a wonderful friendship.