Monday, January 28, 2008

I am back.

Hi everybody. I am back on the pole and dancing for you you. You can come on down to Breathe or Hard Core to see me. I made it across the country and through the painful trials of romance and loss. I don't give up. I just took the hit and tumbled acoss the ground and got back on my feet to try again.

So Lillith and Imogene are happy together in RL and SL. I am alive and ready for my next adventure in Second Life. I have no regrets. We have some wonderful memories that we share. I love Lillith and always will. I know she will always love me. Imogene can give her more than I ever can and that is where she belongs. Our partnership is dissolved and I am on my own again. This changes nothing as far as what I have said about romance and love in SL. It was worth the risk and the pain. Lillith made me feel wonderful and wouldn't give that up for anything.

I may be just pixels but my feelings are real. SL is a wonderful place to discover and learn and even take some of it back to RL with you. I have a big friends list and they aren't all clients. I know I have been away for awhile but I am back. I am ready for work and play both of which give me pleasure. As for my heart, it is back too. It won't be so easily arrested from me again. I will be there for you dear friends and lovers, I will even love you dearly but my heart will remain mine for now.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Almost home

My creator is home and I will be back on Second Life soon. I have had time to think about what is important and what is not. That sounds silly coming from an avatar of pixels but the fact is; I am not real and I never will be.

That makes things a lot easier as far as Lillith and Imogene go. They are both real and together in RL. Imogene makes Lillith happy in both places. I know I can please her here sometimes but I am not there in RL where she needs someone the most. I can be what ever she wants or needs me to be in Second Life. If she still wants me then I will be there for her. If she needs me to give her back her freedom to partner with Imogene I will do so with out the ego based emotions. I know it is the right thing to do.

I have had a couple of Emails or IMs from Lazlo and Kerry. They seem to be doing great. I have been teasing Kerry about her being my mom now that she is SL married to Lazlo. (I am not sure if there are step-moms in SL) I told her we could be mother daughter stripper team on the double pole at the clubs we works at. I am sure that left her rolling on the floor. I can imagine Lazlo domesticated but imagining Kerry that way makes me giggle. I think they are a good match and they are both very happy. I love them both so much.

I had nice Yahoo IMs with Brenda. She has become a much closer friend to me. I think she has a lot on her mind and I am sure the transitions she is going through aren't easy. All things considered, I should know. I think she is one of the most loved and respected Avies in Second Life. Every student that ever started Second Life in her newbie class adores her. She is one of those true teachers. I know she will get through her challenges. I hope she can always feel how much love there is for her in Second Life and especially in Twilight.

I will be back in Second Life soon. I know there are changes in store for me. I may not be on as often. School is demanding more time for my creator. Once I know what Lillith and Imogene expect from me, (if anything) I will be back on stage and making you feel good. That is really what makes me happy, making you feel good. Until next time, remember to have fun.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Galen hits the road.

My creator is driving back to school cross country in her new car. I guess that means a road trip for Galen. I may not be on SL but I seem to get sneak to life in conscious thoughts as she zones out to the music and the miles.

I have had a few offline messages with some of my SL friends. Others are either too busy to answer or haven't received the couple I have left for them. I am learning what real friends are in SL.

Brenda has become a pretty close friend. We have had some great IMs. Lazlo and Kerry partnered up and are incredibly happy. It really lifts my heart to see that. I miss then both. They were both so cynical about SL partners it serves the right to fall in love with each other. I really miss dancing on the double dance pole with Kerry. She tells me that being Laz's partner won't change that. (Thank you for being so understanding, Laz). I wish I had been able to see Starlite and Gwen they both have such a special place in my heart and mean so much to me. I have always wanted to spend more time with each of them. Of course my wonderful Lillith is so caught up in her much deserved bliss to have time to respond. I will be back, I miss you.

I am learning to dissolve the ache and let it just pass through when I feel it coming. I may be only pixels but all the feelings and emotions are real. My creator may complain but she needs to feel. As for you folks that think SL is just a game, maybe you should go back to World of Warcraft. ;)

I get to read email and post my blogs at the cyber cafes, (Mostly Starbucks) Sometimes we will be lucky enough to have Internet in our motel room. I will sneak on and say high to all my loved ones. I have some very wonderful and special friends. I really appreciate you. I know you love me and what happened is nobodies fault. I better go for now. My creators breakfast has arrived and she is getting grumpy.

Monday, January 14, 2008


That is what SL seems to be. Poof you are there, poof you are gone, or she's gone, or what ever is gone. Maybe it is time for Galen to be gone. At least for a little while.

Lillith has found a wonderful new love in RL and I can only be truly happy for her. She brought her to SL and I have met her. She is wonderful and very easy to love. I look forward to getting to know her over time.

Unfortunately my ego (yes, it seems avies have egos) is having some trouble adjusting. It is hard not being her center of attention anymore. Intellectually I think it is wonderful that she has someone in RL that loves her for the beautiful person she is. I know it isn't anybodies fault. As I said in my previous posts, "love chooses you" not the the other way around. *Sighs!!*

We will get through this, true love, means I want Lillith to be happy. She wants me to be as a part of her SL relationships, I will be there, eventually. In the mean time. I will sit it out or focus on working.

Sunday, January 6, 2008


I have no words to explain what I am feeling. Lillith is back she has been in the hospital and was just released. Happy doesn't explain it. Tears of joy are running down my cheeks. I was laying in her arms just as I had envisioned it every day of the two months she was gone. We are more in love than ever. I wanted to thank all of you who gave me so much support. I wante to let you know that she is back. I never gave up hope and here she is. I melted into her arms as we laid on the couch. I love her so much.