Sunday, June 24, 2007

Exploration Begins

I was one day old, no money and no clue what to do first. A very good friend of mine suggested I check out Thothica SL. He said it was good place to start and set as home. I took his advice and found it in Search. I teleported to an island called Twilight.

At that time, Thothica SL took up a big part of the island. I thought it was all the island back then.
It was full of paintings and sculptures. There was a cute little village with a pub and shops and apartments. I joined the Thothica SL group and was able to set my home to Thothica. I had planted a root

Eventually I discovered a class for newbies taught by Brenda Goodliffe in the Venice Plaza at Twilight. It helped me understand how to get around in SL, pick up or earn some money. She also has a very nice gift box with Landmarks and freebies.

I was getting braver about adventuring out.

1 comment:

Blogger said...

If you would like an alternative to randomly picking up girls and trying to figure out the right thing to say...

If you would rather have women pick YOU, instead of spending your nights prowling around in crowded bars and night clubs...

Then I encourage you to play this short video to discover a strong little secret that has the potential to get you your very own harem of beautiful women: