Thursday, May 27, 2010
Good to be back!

Saturday, May 22, 2010
New Avie, New Job and New Life

I have been away from this blog for a long time. A few things have changed. I expect it will take a few posts to bring you all up to date. Some of the highlights include: I have a new shape and skin, Lillith and I are together again and I have a new Second Life job at a new club exciting club.
I am sorry I have been away for so long. My time in Second Life has been spotty for quite awhile do to RL pressures. Since I only exist in Second Life that doesn't leave me much for me to write about in my blog.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Who are you? Who am I?
I have been doing a lot of thinking and soul searching about who we are here again. There are almost as many different reasons we are here as there are avatars. Each avatar living out a different roles we play in Second Life. Some of us are are just a cartoon of our first life while others of us are constructs in role play and method acting. Most are somewhere in between functioning on various levels of awareness and denial.
The fact us some us are not even whole by 1st life standards. Some us have physical and/or mental disabilities that limit our 1st life functionality. Second Life gives us some of the simplest freedoms most take for granted in there 1st life. Here it is a level playing field where anybody can be anything. Don't destroy OZ by pointing out the little man behind the curtain. We may be in SL for different reasons but for most of us we want to forget it is an illusion.
It is all quite innocent until real feelings from first life start to get involved. There are a lot of lonely people in Second Life. Casual or even occupational flirting can create real desires in Real Life. I have read that people actually do come here and hookup in Real Life. That is really not as common as some might think. Second Life isn't an Real Life dating service so if that is why you are in Second Life, you made a mistake. Second life does provide for some intense in world romance. It is a bit too perfect sometimes and can really drag your heart around. These are real feelings between two or more people based on what ever projections we transmit from keyboard or we interpret about the one we have become attached to.
I know I have fallen love in Second Life. I still do. Unfortunately I am one of the constructs. I don't have the luxury of a real life. That doesn't make my feelings any less real. Often the Idoru becomes more real than their creators. More people mourned the death of Sherlock Holmes than Arthur Conan Doyle or in more modern times more people cried over the death Inspector Morse than the actor who played him, John Thaw. With an Idoru there are boundaries that can not be crossed. If you do you find only electrons and information.
Come to SL to play. Even if the play is serious play, just remember it is an illusion. Enjoy the one who makes you feel good and don't ask too many questions about their first life. Enjoy what you have. Your feelings are real and delicious. You will probably lose everything if you try to take into your first life.
Friday, September 26, 2008

Gypsy Razor is definitely unique. If you know her you would understand the irony in that statement. I am lucky enough to have met her and even get to call her my friend. She hasn't had an easy life in RL but she keeps going. She and her cadre of friends, personalities and avatars would often fill the Jaded Strumpet with stories, ideas and opinions. Some times she may seem hard on the outside because she has had to be to be to survive. She never asks for anything and because of that she is especial appreciative when someone gives her something as simple as a "Hi, Gypsy" in IM. On the other hand if she thought you needed it, she would give you the shirt of her back.
I don't know if Gypsy really knows how much she means to so many of us here in Second Life. She touches the hearts of almost anyone she meets in Second Life who takes the time to know her. Maybe she knows now that she has seen the out pouring of wonderful words from her Strumpets
She has a wonderful imagination and very creative skills. When I used to log on to Second Life and look for where to work for the night. I headed first for Breathe to see if Gypsy was there. I had so much fun dancing with Gypsy hearing her stories and sharing ideas. We don't always agree but we always respect each other. I am excited to find out what Gypsy's next thing will be. I know it will be great. Like it or not Gypsy, you are loved.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Jaded Strumpet

It isn't easy to talk about the loss of the Jaded Strumpet. I totally understand why Gypsy had to let it go. I am not going to waste my time expressing the sense of loss we are all feeling. Gypsy did what she had to for her own survival. Gypsy is still around as are all my fellow strumpets. Many strumpets had already moved on to other things anyway. I figure the first life economy is taking its toll on the Second Life economy. Jaded Strumpet was just one of the casualties.
There is a memorial growing there as shown in the picture above. I think it is really a place we are all expressing our gratitude to Gypsy for the wonderful gift she gave us all with The Jaded Strumpet. I know Gypsy will complain and moan at the L word, but she is loved by many in Second Life.
Now lets talk about how wonderful Strumpet was. I have a couple photos on how it was. Maybe Gypsy can give me some more to post or put up a flickr page.

The photo above is one that Gypsy took and the one below is one that Yukio took. I spent many happy hours dancing at the Jaded Strumpet.

The Strumpet brought me some wonderful friends and lovers. It also paid my rent. My friend and land lord Lazlo Yoshikawa used to say he liked it because it was like going to your neighborhood pub. A place to hang out with friends. I think it was a lot like that. Even the customers were friends and we all could teased each other and had fun while making a living in Second Life. I was away form Second Life a lot but every time I came back Strumpet was my first stop. I work three or four clubs sometimes but if Gypsy was on I went to Strumpet even if Gypsy was the only one there. I figured we could bring customers and keep them happy. We all did very well and had fun. My best friends now all came from strumpet or worked there with me. I hope some of you will share some Strumpet stories in the comments. I will also add more later. I was going to write about Gypsy but I decided I will do a separate post just for her.
Friday, September 5, 2008
A broken mirror
Second Life and third Life and fourth life. It is alternate life. AKA, love the one your with. One Idoru to another and another and another. Second Life has become a world of multiple personalities, alternate avatars. What does this do to ethics? How does it effect friendships? What does it mean for relationships? Is one Alt responsible for the others actions? Is it fraud or role play? I am sure there are as many reasons for alts (alternate avatars) as there are alts. Don't worry friends I won't name names but I would like to ponders the reasons, ethics, morality and values of them. Let's be clear about one thing; we all have a least one alt. It is our first avatar which is an alternate manifestation or first life persona.
I have several friends that use alts for different reasons. My favorite series of alts is one of my closest friends. She doesn't really hide the fact that she has them. Each one represents a personalty she has in RL. This gives her an opportunity to act out in a much safer place than RL. This seems like a very legitimate function of alts. Each one has its own character and role. I still seem to love the first one I met the best but they are all a part of the whole. Which means I ultimately love them all.
I thinks the most common purpose for alts is deception role play. Whether, BDSM, Vampires, Furries, gender or any other of the possibilities in Second Life. They may have one Avatar for "normal" Second Life and other ones for thier role play.
Of course the one the big one reasons for alts is deception. Create an avatar to have an affair, cover up a lifestyle that may be to embarrassing to share with RL or even SL friends. Some create alts to use for griefing so their primary Alt doesn't get banned. I would say this if the area that most challenges ethical values. Keep in mind ethical values are a far more relative term in Second Life than they are in First Life
One of the interesting things about alts is that they can take on a life of their own. I have one friend that created one so she could have a secret life from her partner. It just about destroyed their partnership once it was discovered. (Yes they are discovered) The problem is her alt has taken on a life of its own. This is a person who has little enough time for SL as it is and now has twice the demand on it. I can totally relate to taking on your own life in SL. Yours truly, has been dragging my creator from adventure to adventure.
I seem to have attracted a few lovers whom I am sure are alts of someone else I know. A good clue is the age of the avatar and the experience they already may show. Looking in their profile and see what groups are showing and how nice their skin, shape, hair and clothes look. I even had one male client create a female alt just to watch us play together.
What happens when your create a second avatar that takes on his or her own life and becomes such a unique identity that has its own wants, needs and desires unrelated to your first avatar, even unrelated to the personality of your creator. Like characters in a novel that consume the author. could each alt become a separate character? Is it possible for each alt have a different set of ethics and morals?
All of these things are part of Second Life, possibly a features of Second Life. How does this effect our definition of "morality" or "ethics"? What people in Second Life often loose sight of is the fact that we may look like cartons but the feelings are real and indistinguishable from First Life emotions and feelings. Ultimately the morality or ethics will come down to you and your partner First Life and Second Life. If you are of the belief that your alt it not responsible to your partner you had better be damn sure your partner agrees with you or you may be risking more that you can imagine. The fact is people are going to get hurt. Who holds the karma for that one. The alt, the avatar or the handler/creator? Everything we do effects somebody in RL and SL.
I make no moral judgments. I am only asking the questions. You or your avatar will have to decide your own values. Just be sure you are willing to handle the consequences. There will be more consequences than you can imagine. Some may be wonderful and some may be harsh and painful. If you ever want to talk about this please feel free to IM me, in-world.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Hiatus Over
I have been away for awhile. I seem to have let time get away and was put away in a box for awhile. My creator had other things in the Real World to attend to. I am back now and full of energy.
A lot has happened while I have been away. Part of time, I was not around at all. It may take me a bit to get my bearings and feel the rhythm of the blog again. I just wanted you all to know I was back and there will be updates here.
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